
Maryam Mowla

Website Designer -Graphic Designer - Illustrator


3d animation
poster design

Mobile App Interface



I am a proud graduate of the Interactive Design & Technology (IDT) diploma program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic Saskatoon Campus. My decision to pursue this program was driven by a deep-seated aspiration to thrive as a professional web/graphic designer. Throughout my academic journey, the interdisciplinary nature of the IDT program provided me with a comprehensive and well-rounded foundation across various domains, including graphic creation, interface design, web design and development, and animation. During my time in the IDT program, I dedicated myself to acquiring knowledge and refining skills across a broad spectrum of interconnected disciplines. This entailed immersing myself deeply in areas such as website design and development, interactive media, digital marketing, digital audio/video, graphic creation, interface design, management principles, two & three-dimensional modeling, and animation.

Embracing this multifaceted approach empowered me to develop a versatile skill set that reaches beyond the confines of conventional design practices. I am prepared to harness my extensive education and hands-on experiences to make a meaningful contribution to the field of web and graphic design. This educational journey has not only furnished me with technical proficiency but has also cultivated a creative mindset, poised to address the challenges posed by the continually evolving landscape of interactive design and technology. My enthusiasm drives me to apply my skills and knowledge, crafting inventive and visually captivating solutions within the dynamic realm of digital design.

Contact Me

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